Tag: web resource

  • HTML5 and the future of web design

    HTML5 and the future of web design

    When Microsoft & Apple both AGREED that HTML5 was the future of web design, everyone suddenly took notice. And the last 18 months have seen an amazing adoption of HTML5 design principles, especially with the way Google has been been promoting it. So what is HTML5 and how do you do it?

  • Fire your boss

    I just watched a cool video about an internet millionaire who is looking for students! He said, “Just give me 30 days, and I’ll mold you into our next success story.” Check it out here.

  • Are you living life at the Alpha brainwave level

    Are you living life at the “Alpha Level”?

  • My guided meditation application and mobile website

    My guided meditation application and mobile website

    One of my passions is meditation. Recently I started creating guided meditations with embedded brainwave entrainment. The entrainment makes the meditations super powerful because it cuts straight through the mental chatter that most of us have:). I tried a number of methods to distribute them without too much success. Then, in Nov last year, I…

  • Teachers tips

    Teachers tips

    Our education systems need help so whenever I find something useful, I plan to make a note of it somewhere. I found a Google resource that I think is awesome. It is called TeachHub & it is tips by teachers, for teachers (or teachers tips:). If you are an educator of any kind, you want…