Tag: technology

  • The Simple Quality of A LED Light

    The Simple Quality of A LED Light

    The simple things in life that carry an immeasurable amount of value and quality within themselves have always amazed me. For example, I’m finding it harder and harder to ignore the simple value that dwells inside of a single light-emitting diode (led).

  • An awesome tech idea: the sunrise thermal airship

    An awesome tech idea: the sunrise thermal airship

    I love new technology and am always scouring the net for new ideas. I recently came across this one which I think is just absolutely awesome. They are calling it the “Sunrise thermal airship” & (unfortunately) it is still only an idea. I can’t wait for this one to go commercial, I know I would…

  • My guided meditation application and mobile website

    My guided meditation application and mobile website

    One of my passions is meditation. Recently I started creating guided meditations with embedded brainwave entrainment. The entrainment makes the meditations super powerful because it cuts straight through the mental chatter that most of us have:). I tried a number of methods to distribute them without too much success. Then, in Nov last year, I…

  • A working green model village produces 321% extra energy

    There’s nothing quite like an excellent example. The village of Wildpoldsried, in Germany, is just that; a great eco-example that all communities should be looking into. This village produces 321% EXTRA energy and makes money by selling it back to the national grid.

  • Teachers tips

    Teachers tips

    Our education systems need help so whenever I find something useful, I plan to make a note of it somewhere. I found a Google resource that I think is awesome. It is called TeachHub & it is tips by teachers, for teachers (or teachers tips:). If you are an educator of any kind, you want…

  • Creating a brave new world together, the Venus Project

    I have come across some good ideas and some great ideas. The Venus Project is in the latter category. Here’s a quote from their site: “The Venus Project offers a comprehensive plan for social reclamation in which human beings, technology and nature will be able to coexist in a long term, sustainable state of dynamic equilibrium”

  • No wonder they invented add & adhd

    Some kids were born to challenge everything, so they must have something wrong with them. Hahahaha. Some kids are NOT going to let anything kill their creativity, no school, no adult, no social pressure, NOTHING! This Ted Video is brilliant & explains why some of the kids today, act the way they do:) Since there…

  • Getting the world to work on one problem – teachnology

    Getting the world to work on one problem – teachnology

    This is just awesome. How to get everyone working on one problem. Firstly he explains those annoying CAPTCHA & reCAPTCHA images we have all had to fill in. Now that I know what is going on, I will fill them in with a new found joy. And then he goes on to explain how he…

  • The first Girl Geek Dinner in Johannesburg has launched!

    We are very excited to announce that the first Girl Geek Dinner in Johannesburg will be hosted on November 3rd, 2011. Girl Geek Dinners were started in London and are run throughout the world. Cape Town has already had 4 stunning dinners and and now it’s time for Jozi to be inspired!